Three Tips To Conserve Water in your Apartment and/ or Home

Water is a precious resource- and finding new or creative ways to conserve water in your household is the corner stone to living an eco-friendly life!  Learn three water conservation tips here:

1. Maintain You Dishwasher and Washing Machine

Don’t run your washing machine or dishwasher if it is only half-full.  Similarly, try to do less laundry by wearing your clothes more before washing. While this might be different than you are used to, there is no hygienic reason to wash clothes after only one wear.  This process also means less wear and tear on your clothes.

2. Time Your Showers

Long, hot showers are great, but shortening yours by a minute or two can save a ton of water. Get in and out of the shower as quickly as possible and sleep in a bit later instead. Baths are even more of a water-waster; try to limit yours to a once-in-awhile treat (it will be all that more relaxing). 

3. Turn off The Tap

Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. This small action saves 3 gallons of water a minute. Turn off the water while you shave and save 100 gallons of water a week.

This tip was originally posted in the summer of 2015.

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