Suprise! You Can Recycle These Three Resources
The Next Step of Recycling...
Recycling is not just about placing plastic, paper, and glass in a green bin once a week. Many household products can be "recycled" and re-purposed, including:
1) Tech equipment: Certain organizations will accept donations of computers, printers, mice, and other, similar, pieces of equipment. These donations will be cleaned and refurbished, and then given to people or families in need. Companies that make the computers, such as Dell or Apple, will often take back computers as well if the equipment is simply old and needs to be disposed of properly.
2) Eyeglasses: Have any old pairs of eye glasses that are still in good condition? Donating eye glasses is a great way to recycle something that normally would just sit in a dresser drawer. Donation boxes can be found in eye glass stores and other locations, such as public libraries. Lions Club International encourages people to mail in eye glass donations.
3) Cellphones: Purchasing a new cell phone? Recycle older cell phones- they will go to people and/ or families in need. Many cell phone providers will accept donations.
This post was featured in Grady's GreenLiving Tips in April 2016. Read the original, "Everything You Can Recycle," here.
Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area. Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.
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