Green Facts : Not All GreenLiving Practices Help The Environment

Not All Green Tips are Helpful for Your New Lifestyle

Embarking in a green lifestyle is a total shift in practices and habits.  In order to live a truly green life, using guides, such as this blog, are good resources for understanding the full components of eco-friendly living.  However, not all resources explain the many facets of a green lifestyle.

In fact, many products people think help the environment actually are not that much better than the standard version:

Learn more below as Grady debunks some green myths:

1) "Go vegetarian- it helps the environment!": This is a common myth that floats around the GreenLiving community.  While changing to a vegetarian diet certainly helps animals- a major component of a green focus- it does not account for dairy which is a major cause of chemical emissions during the processing of dairy products.  To truly help the environment this way, one would need to go totally vegan.

2) "Turn off that light, you are wasting energy!":  Many people, from mothers to roommates, are guilty of saying this command.  While turning off lights and appliances might reduce the energy bill, it does practically nothing for energy expenditure or emissions.  To live in a green household, it is necessary to un-plug all appliances in order to reduce energy emissions.  Appliances still use energy even when not plugged in to the outlet.

3) "Don't use that cleaner- try this green cleaner instead!": In many grocery stores or retail locations, the cleaning aisle will be full of products- some even with a "green" label for their eco-friendly properties.  While green products are safer than standard chemical cleaners, these specialized products might waste energy and/ or resources in other ways: excess packaging for instance.  To use a truly green cleaner, use regular household products that can double as cleaners, like baking soda and vinegar.

Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area.  Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.


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