Five Do's and Don'ts When Recycling, or Regifting, Gifts

Get Ready for White Elephant Parties This Season

During the holiday season, it is commonplace to receive some excess and some, frankly, unique gifts.  Trying to decide what to do with some gifts that are not necessarily useful?  Try regifting these presents, a way to recycle presents and give them to someone else.

What is regifting?

Essentially, regifting is the process of giving a received gift to someone else.  This is also occasionally called "recycling a gift."

In America, an unofficial holiday "National Regifting Day," takes place the week prior to the Christmas holiday.

What about etiquette?  Is it polite or appropriate to regift?

Ultimately, this is up to personal preferences.  Some individuals may feel uncomfortable regifting or recycling gifts received during the holiday season.  Others may feel this is a great way to give more gifts during the holiday season.

What are some regifting do's and don'ts?

Below, the Grady's GreenLiving Tips team compiled a few tips to help with gift recycling and regifting:

1. The gift should always remain in the original packaging.  No one wants to receive a pre-used gift, even if it is an appliance or kitchen item only used once.  If regifting this season, ensure that the original packaging is intact and in good condition.

2. Consider the gift wrap and gift bags.  Even though the gift should remain in the original packaging, this does not include the gift wrap.  The original wrapping paper should be removed and disposed of.  Most wrapping paper cannot be recycled, especially if the paper is shiny or appears metallic, so be sure to throw away in the garbage.  Gift bags, however, if they are in good condition, can be reused as long as the gift bag tag is snipped and disposed of.

3. Think of the holiday event before planning to regift.  Gifts should never be regifted to the original gift giver or to friends/ coworkers in the same social circle and/ or office setting.  Always try to regift to other friends or, perhaps, wait until next year or another event that requires a gift.

4. Remember to check dates for perishable goods.  Not all holiday gifts can be saved for another time.  Some gifts, like cookies, candy, and other baked goods, contain a definite shelf life.  Never regift food items the next season.  Instead, try to bring to the office or to family and/ or friend gatherings a few days after receiving as snacks for everyone to ensure the food is consumed prior to any expiration dates.

5. Experience other ways to regift or recycle gifts.  Many non profit organizations host holiday gift drives for their clients this time of the year.  One way to regift would be to visit their holiday wish lists online and see any gifts or items needed for the holiday.  An extra, unopened blender or unworn sweater may be the perfect gift for someone in the local community.  In Montgomery County, Maryland, the Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless is currently running a holiday drive for their clients and need everything from pajama sets and video games to kitchen appliances and giftcards.

Do you have other tips for regifting?  Please let us know in the comments!

Grady's GreenLiving Tips was created in 2014 by Grady Management, Inc.  Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area.  Learn more from our website or Facebook page.


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