Three Ways Bicycling Reduces Pollution

Green Reasons to Participate in Upcoming Bike to Work Day #BTWD

Bike to Work Day is taking place this Friday, May 18.  This annual event promotes biking as an efficient and reliable way to get around.  People are encouraged to forego the car, train, or bus for one day and ride a bike to and from work.

Biking is an easy way to practice greenliving.  In fact, riding the bike does not produce any pollution or harmful emissions cars produce that can damage the environment.  Consider these green benefits to biking:

1) Biking does not utilize gas or fuel: This may seem like common sense, but one benefit of bicycling is that it is a method of transportation that does not require fuel.  Gas can leak and contaminate waterways and foliage which can harm the flowers, plants, and wildlife living in their natural habitat.  Cutting out a need to re-fuel can help save local eco-systems.

2) Driving cars and trucks can cause air pollution: Cars, trucks, and similar automobiles cause "transportation emissions."  These emissions can contribute to Greenhouse Gasses and the Green House effect, which warms the planet over a period of time.  Biking, however, does not contribute to transportation emissions.

3) Riding bicycles also reduces noise pollution: Traffic noise is a big contributor to noise pollution: loud noises that impacts cities and surrounding areas.  While it may not seem like it, noise pollution can negatively impact animal life by disrupting animal habitats.  Bike riding is much quieter than driving and, therefore, reduces harmful noise pollution.

Learn how you can participate in Bike to Work Day online.

Many of these facts are presented on the website Bay Area Bike to Work Day on the "Environmental Benefits" page.  Read the article here:

Grady's GreenLiving Tips was created in 2014 by Grady Management, Inc.  Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area.  Learn more from our website or Facebook page.


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