A Special GreenLiving Tips Announcement

Since September 2014, Grady's GreenLiving Tips blog has published one post a week, every Tuesday, about green and eco-friendly advice, news, and more.

The Grady's GreenLiving Tips team wanted to keep our blog readers updated because, beginning in 2018, this blog will change from an every week posting schedule to a twice a month schedule.  All blog readers will still be able to read two GreenLiving posts per month.

This change is because the team is currently developing a new blog that will also post on select Tuesdays.  More information about this new blog will be announced in November and December.

Please let us know if you have any questions by commenting below!

Grady's GreenLiving Tips was created in 2014 by Grady Management, Inc.  Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area.  Learn more from our website or Facebook page.


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