Three Ways to Celebrate Upcoming Car Free Day! (#CarFreeDay)

Car Free Day is on September 22

Celebrating green holidays is a great way to promote a green and eco-friendly life.  One upcoming green holiday is Car Free Day 2017 that will be celebrated on Friday, September 22.  Car Free Day, sponsored by Commuter Connections, encourages participants to find alternatives for the car in order to commute to work.

What are three ways to celebrate Car Free Day?  Learn three possible ways below:

1) Biking: Biking is a great way to commute to work or travel.  Biking is a sustainable and eco-friendly way to travel and, in many cases, is just as reliable as cars and other traditional vehicles.

2) Carpool: Though not, exactly, car free, carpooling is a great way to commute to work that simultaneously reduces the amount of vehicles on the road.  Less vehicles on the road (one of the main goals of Car Free Day) reduces the amount of pollution that is released in the air and environment.

3) Public transportation: Buses and trains are great ways to commute to work and travel.  In DC, Maryland, and Virginia, riders can access WMATA's MetroRail and/ or MetroBus system.

In order to participate in Bike to Work Day, fill out the online pledge here.  For filling out the pledge, Bike to Work Day participants will be entered into a raffle to win prizes including giftcards, gift bags, and even a Kindle Fire.

In addition to the pledge, several events and activities are happening throughout Car Free Day to promote greener ways to commute and travel.  Learn about these events on the official website, Facebook page, or Twitter profile.  Or watch a video about the Car Free Day here:

Participating in Car Free Day?  Comment below to let Grady's GreenLiving Tips know!

Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area.  Learn more from our website or Facebook page.


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