
Showing posts from September, 2017

Five Steps to Create an On-The-Go Green Kit

Traveling?  Heading to the Office?  Simple Steps to Easily Promote GreenLiving For those who live a green life, practicing eco-friendly habits can be challenging outside of the home.  For individuals who like to be more prepared, compiling a Green Kit can be a great way to enjoy eco-friendly practices when on-the-go for work, trips, hobbies, and beyond. What are five items to pack in a Green Kit?  Read more here: 1) A durable water bottle: Purchasing plastic water bottles are fine as long as they are recycled afterwards.  But, sometimes, when traveling, it is not always easy to find a recycling bin nearby.  Pack a reusable water bottle in the green kit to refill with water whenever needed. 2) A fork, knife, and spoon: Plastic cutlery is not green and is designed to be thrown away after single, individual, use.  Try to pack one set of durable silverware in the Green Kit that can be used for on-the-go snacks.  This way, it won't be necessary to wast...

Three Ways to Celebrate Upcoming Car Free Day! (#CarFreeDay)

Car Free Day is on September 22 Celebrating green holidays is a great way to promote a green and eco-friendly life.  One upcoming green holiday is Car Free Day 2017  that will be celebrated on Friday, September 22.  Car Free Day, sponsored by Commuter Connections , encourages participants to find alternatives for the car in order to commute to work. What are three ways to celebrate Car Free Day?   Learn three possible ways below : 1) Biking : Biking is a great way to commute to work or travel.  Biking is a sustainable and eco-friendly way to travel and, in many cases, is just as reliable as cars and other traditional vehicles. 2) Carpool : Though not, exactly, car free, carpooling is a great way to commute to work that simultaneously reduces the amount of vehicles on the road.  Less vehicles on the road (one of the main goals of Car Free Day) reduces the amount of pollution that is released in the air and environment. 3) Public transportation : Buses and tr...

2017 Anniversary Roundup

A Look Back at Five Popular Posts Grady's GreenLiving Tips blog recently celebrated a three year anniversary!  Since September 2, 2014, one new post for Grady's GreenLiving Tips has been published every Tuesday. For this anniversary, the Grady's GreenLiving Tips blog has compiled a roundup of our top posts.  Review and read through some of the most popular posts published on this blog: 1)  Spring is in the Air- Green Resources : Published in February 2015, this post details user-friendly websites and online guides web users can access to learn more about greenliving and eco-friendly practices. 2) Green Tips for a Clean Car : Three, simple, car care tips that also help to protect the environment. 3) Grady's Green Initiatives : This blog post details the green initiatives of Grady Management, Inc.  Learn more about how Grady Management, Inc. promotes greenliving at apartment communities by reading the original blog post or visiting the official website . 4)  Get...

Three, Online, GreenLiving Resources for Apartment Residents

Expert GreenLiving Advice for our Valued Residents Trying to find greenliving advice?  Knowing where to find factual and accurate greenliving and eco-friendly information is often at the cornerstone of a green lifestyle. Grady's GreenLiving Tips compiled several pertinent links to guides and online articles that highlight some practical and helpful green advice for apartment renters: 1) "Top 10 Tips for Renters" by Energy Star : this comprehensive guide covers ways to save energy, and money, during all seasons.   Read the online article here . 2) "5 Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill" by ApartmentGuide Blog : this post details methods and examples of how an apartment renter can decrease the monthly electric bill.   Read the original blog post here . 3) "10 Tips to Save Energy and Cut Your Utility Bills" by : 10 simple tips are examined in this post about saving energy.   Read the original blog post here . What other online resources can be adde...