DIY: Three Ways to Create Green Bug Spray

Instructions for Homemade Insect Repellent

It's summertime and it's easy to spend a lot of time outside: by the grill, park, or pool.  With all of this time outside, it is common to attract attention from some unwanted visitors: bugs.  Mosquitoes and bees are also out, and numerous, during the summer.  In order to avoid bug bites, try making some homemade bug spray.  Unlike traditional insect repellent, homemade bug spray can be made with few or no harmful chemicals.  Making homemade bug spray can help protect the environment.

Three methods to creating green bug spray include:

1) Healthy bug spray: A natural, green bug spray recipe combines Tea Tree Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil, Vegetable Oil, and distilled water into a spray bottle that can be taken on any summer vacation or outdoor activity this season.  Learn the full recipe for this "Effective DIY Bug Spray" on this website.

2) The power of lavender: Lavender has natural bug repellent properties:  
     a) Try using lavender oil after baths and showers to repel insects this season.  
     b) For individuals who prefer not to use a spay or repellent on their skin- try using lavender candles or spray a lavender mixture on fabrics and furniture to act as a bug spray.

3) Creative bug bite remedy: For those who receive bug bites this summer, there is an eco-friendly solution.  Try these Homemade Bug Bite Relief Sticks created by the Prairie Homestead.  This natural solution to the irritation of bug bites contain coconut oil, lavender oil, and other natural ingredients.

What works best for natural bug spray?  Share comments and suggestions below:

Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area.  Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.


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