
Showing posts from June, 2017

DIY: Three Ways to Create Green Bug Spray

Instructions for Homemade Insect Repellent It's summertime and it's easy to spend a lot of time outside: by the grill, park, or pool.  With all of this time outside, it is common to attract attention from some unwanted visitors: bugs.  Mosquitoes and bees are also out, and numerous, during the summer.  In order to avoid bug bites, try making some homemade bug spray.  Unlike traditional insect repellent, homemade bug spray can be made with few or no harmful chemicals.  Making homemade bug spray can help protect the environment. Three methods to creating green bug spray include: 1) Healthy bug spray : A natural, green bug spray recipe combines Tea Tree Essential Oil, Geranium Essential Oil, Vegetable Oil, and distilled water into a spray bottle that can be taken on any summer vacation or outdoor activity this season.  Learn the full recipe for this " Effective DIY Bug Spray " on this website . 2) The power of lavender : Lavender has natural bug repellent prop...

Five Eco-Friendly Ideas for a Great Summer Picnic

Remember These Green Tips When Planning a Summer Picnic For many, the summer is a season to spend time outside: at the pool, beach, and/ or local park.  Read the following five tips to learn more about how to enjoy a picnic this summer while practicing a green lifestyle: 1) Prepare food from the farmer's market : Shop at local farmer's markets to get supplies for the picnic.  This will ensure that the produce and food items brought on the picnic are organic and/ or prepared in a local, chemical-free, environment.   2) Pack reusable materials : Instead of packing paper plates and plastic cutlery, pack reusable plates, silverware, and cups.  This will reduce waste.  After the picnic, just pack up all the reusable materials to wash once home. 3) Enjoy the picnic locally : Save gas, and protect the environment, by choosing a local park or nearby location to enjoy a summer picnic.   4) Respect the environment : When enjoying a picnic, remember to respect the loc...

Five Everyday Green Reminders

Easy Way to Make Green Lifestyle Changes Recycling?  Check!  Composting?  Check?  Reducing waste?  Check!   There are many ways to live a green lifestyle and practice GreenLiving methods.  Struggling to think of how to begin living a greener life?  Below are five, everyday, green reminders that everyone can practice: 1) Turn off the tap : An easy way to live a green life is to turn off taps to prevent running or dripping water.  When brushing teeth, washing up, or preparing food, always remember to turn off the tap to conserve water. 2) Sort and separate : Recycling and waste can sometimes co-mingle and cause recycling contamination . Easily prevent this during the day by throwing away trash in appropriately marked containers.  If applicable, place food waste in a compost bin. 3) Reduce litter : Litter often damages local plant and animal life.  Throughout the day, aim to throw away and/ or dispose of one piece of litter.   4)...

Three Ways To Protect Bees and Other Pollinators

Take Several Green Steps to Help the Honeybees The amount of honeybees is steadily declining.  Though honeybees can often be unpleasant during spring and summer outdoor activities, especially for those who are allergic to bee stings, bees are very important to the environment. Bees are a type of pollinator; they are needed to fertilize plants that, because of this process, will eventually grow and produce food. What are easy ways to help honeybees?  Learn three tips here: 1) Forego pesticides in the garden : For gardeners or people who keep a few plants and/ or flowers outside, one way to protect the honeybee population is to stop using pesticides and chemicals when caring for plant-life.  Pesticides harm and kill honeybees.  Instead, try a natural pesticide, such as a mixture of water and salt or a garlic-onion mixture.  Spraying these natural mixtures on plants will help to repel insects but will not harm them. 2) Leave the bees alone : During the summer, it c...