Five Facts About Litter

Want to Prevent Littering?  Learn These Facts...

1) Litter can harm animals: Littering can cause a direct, negative, impact to animals and their habitats. Animals can become stuck or entangled in various forms of litter, such as soda/ beverage rings.  Similarly, animals can become sick from consuming discarded food or food packaging/ wrappers.  Some animals can even die from consuming forms of litter.

2) Litter is quite common: Many people admit to littering at one point or another.  The most common form of litter is from fast food or other food waste.  Another common form of litter is glass and plastic products, even those these resources are often recyclable!  

3) Rain can cause litter to travel: Discarding litter can have a lasting effect.  Rain, wind, and other elements can cause litter to travel to other locations.  Even throwing waste away in an overflowing trash can can lead for garbage to run off into storm drains, lakes, and/ or other waterways.  

4) Ecosystems can be damaged or destroyed from litter: Similar to animals- flowers, trees, and other plants can be harmed and even die from exposure to litter and garbage.

5) Discarded litter can spoil waterways: Oftentimes, litter will eventually travel into major waterways.  Garbage in the water not only spoils this precious resource, but can kill the fish and other animals and plants in the water.

The best way to prevent litter is to always discard waste in appropriate containers.  If comfortable, try to collect or pick up litter to discard it!

Grady Management, Inc. was founded in 1965 and continues to provide full service residential, commercial and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area. Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.


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