Holiday Recycling: Five Do's and Do Not's

GreenLiving Tips During The Holidays

The holidays are only several days away.  For some, this is a time of giving and receiving gifts.  
This season, make sure you know what holiday gift items can be recycled and what needs to be disposed as waste.

Can the following items be recycled?  Find out here...

1) Tape: No!  Tape, and most other adhesive products, cannot be recycled.  Throw away tape and/ or put tape into a standard waste basket to dispose of it.

2) Boxes with tape: Yes!  Even though tape cannot, typically, be recycled, cardboard boxes or decorative boxes with little/ some tape on it can be recycled.  Fold boxes up to properly recycle them.
3) Wrapping paper: Maybe. This really depends on the type of wrapping paper.  If the paper is plain, it may be recyclable.  However, if the wrapping paper or gift wrap has a design, multi-colored ink, or is made of a shiny, laminate material, it is not recyclable and should be thrown away in a waste container.

4) Bows: No!  Bows and/ or ribbons cannot be recycled.

5) Tissue paper: No! Oftentimes, tissue paper is made from already recycled paper, and the fibers of the tissue paper are so thin- it cannot be recycled again.  Throw tissue paper away.

While some of these products cannot be recycled in traditional means, remember that, if in good condition, they can be used again for future holiday celebrations or special events.

Grady Management, Inc. was founded in 1965 and continues to provide full service residential, commercial and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area. Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.


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