Five New Year's Resolutions That Can Have a Direct, Green, Impact

Add a GreenLiving Focus to 2017

The holiday season is coming to an end, and New Year's Eve is only a few days away.  This year, pick out a resolution, or resolutions, that support a GreenLiving lifestyle.  Several eco-friendly resolution ideas include:

1) Pick up one piece of litter per day:  There are more than 300 million people in the United States.  If everyone in America picked up at least one piece of litter each day, that would be 300 million pieces of trash and waste that would ultimately not damage ecosystems or enter waterways.  This year, strive to not litter.

2) Recycle one can, bottle, or item per day:  Recycling can have numerous positive effects on the environment.  In 2017, strive to recycle at least one item per day.  Make the extra trip to find a recycling bin instead of tossing cans and newspapers into the trash.
3) Participate in one GreenLiving holiday during the 2017 year:  There are several GreenLiving holidays that take place throughout the year, including: Bike To Work Day, Earth Day, and America Recycles Day.  Learn more about these holidays on Grady's GreenLiving Tips.

4) Begin one, new, green practice or lifestyle choice: Already living a green lifestyle?  This year, try another GreenLiving habit!  Use less water by switching from baths to showers, unplug appliances when not in use to avoid energy vampires, turn off the light when leaving a room, etc.  These are all ways to live an even greener life.

5) Share GreenLiving news and information when possible:  Enjoy learning green tips, news and resources?  Share information with friends and family to promote GreenLiving practices.  Connect to green resources and green events online and use social media to share/ engage.

Like these tips?  Comment below with a green New Year's Resolution idea and have a Happy New Year!

Grady Management, Inc. was founded in 1965 and continues to provide full service residential, commercial and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area. Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.


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