Three Dangers of Not Going Green

What Are The Challenges of Environmental Negligence?

Those who live a green life care about the environment and the effects of harmful chemicals and damaging practices on natural resources.

Past blog posts detail the positive outcomes of eco-friendly living.  This post will detail the opposite and highlight the areas of harm that directly stem from ignoring a green lifestyle.

1) Damage to Waterways, Lakes, and Other Bodies of Water

Harmful chemicals will eventually, due to rain, water pollution, or a direct dump of products or chemicals, enter water systems and negatively impact the water quality.  Not only does this effect the water, but the animals and plants in the water as well suffer health concerns and other dangers.

2) Destruction of Plants, Trees, and Animal Habitats

Dumping trash and garbage often becomes entangled in trees, bushes, and grass, which can harm the plants in addition to the birds and insects that live there.  Using harmful chemicals outdoors can runoff into plants and create a similar issue.

3) Decline of Overall Planet Health

Ignoring simple green steps steps such as
recycling can impact the overall planet by lessening the amount of finite resources available.  Throwing away products that can be recycled means more natural resources need to be used to produce paper, cardboard, or any product.  In addition, chemicals can negatively impact pollution and the ozone layer.

Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area.  Learn more about Grady Management on our website or Facebook page.


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