Beach Etiquette: Four Green Beach Tips
Remember This During Your Beach Vacation Visiting the beach this summer? The ocean is a precious resource and all natural resources deserve to be treated with respect. Below are several green tips for beach etiquette to remember this summer season: 1) Pack light for beach excursions : When going to the beach, some families or groups bring a huge meal, toys, games, and more. Try to pack as light as possible when spending time at the beach so nothing is forgotten and subsequently left behind. Food wrappers, napkins, and other small items can often be left behind and/ or blow away in the wind. 2) Collect garbage and deposit accordingly : At the beach, food waste, recyclables, and general garbage are literally steps away from the ocean. Collecting all waste to dispose of properly later is a huge help for the local ecosystem. 3) Never dump trash or litter : Garbage dumped or left in the sand will undoubtedly wind up in the ocean in a short time. Everyone at the ...