Three Green Truths About Balloons
Think Before Letting Balloons Go After holiday celebrations, birthdays, or other special events, hosts and attendees may be left with a multitude of balloons. While some may take the balloons home, others may think it is a good idea to let balloons "go" to float upwards into the sky. While this may seem like a nostalgic and harmless pastime, letting balloons float upwards can have devastating consequences for the environment. Below, Grady's GreenLiving Tips details three of these negative environmental impacts: Animals Can Get Sick or Hurt From Balloons After balloons float upwards, the balloons eventually sink downwards and land in a different place. Once this happens, birds, fish, and other animals can mistake the deflated balloons as food. This can, obviously, cause serious detriments for the impacted animal. Animals can choke on the balloon. In addition, balloon strings can entangle birds, turtles, and other animals which can limit or totall...