
Showing posts from August, 2018

Five Green Truths About Pet Adoption

What to Know Before Adopting a Cat or Dog Thinking about pet adoption?  Adopting a dog, cat, or other pet is a great way to live a green life.  Many pets need a new home with loving owners, and adopting an animal is a fantastic, and green, alternative to buying a pet from a pet store. Pet adoption is a big undertaking, and it is important to understand all involved before beginning the adoption process.  It would be a sad day for both owner and pet if the adopted dog or cat is returned to the shelter.  That being said, before pet adoption, be sure to consider the following GreenLiving truths: 1) What type of pet is best for you?   Before adopting a pet, it is necessary to first determine what pet to adopt.  Cats and dogs can have different personalities and can fit into different lifestyles.  Dogs need to be walked and groomed more frequently than cats.  Cats can be more self sufficient, as they groom themselves and can use a litter box.  2) ...

Three Environmentally Friendly Ways to Reduce Insect Bites

During the remaining weeks of summer, many people are planning trips and excursions while the weather is still warm.  After spending time outdoors, remember to check for lingering insects and insect bites.  It is important to be precautions of bites because while some insects, such as ticks, can spread disease.  Insect repellent is a proven method to reduce the amount of bug and insect bites.  In addition to repellent, the following three methods are eco-friendly ways to limit painful and harmful insect bites: 1) Remember clothing options : When spending time outside in the woods for a camping trip, it is important to pack and wear long pants and shirts.  Though it is summertime, it is hard to receive ticks and other insect bites when wearing layers of clothes that protect the skin.  After these trips, it is important to wash any clothes worn because insects may be hiding on the fabric. 2) Consider the path : Walking through tall grass and overgrown shrubbe...