
Showing posts from July, 2018

A Recipe to Reduce Food Waste: Summer 2018 Edition

A Smoothie Recipe for A GreenLiving Lifestyle Want to reduce food waste?  Combating food waste is a great way to promote GreenLiving.  Ways to reduce food waste include  re-organizing the refrigerator and/ or creating lists when shopping at the grocery store.  Another is finding creative ways to utilize leftover food so very little to no food needs to be thrown away and wasted. This season, try to utilize some leftover fruit to make a delicious smoothies.  Fruits that are a few days past their prime ripeness are still the perfect ingredients for smoothies.  Below is a perfect recipe to try during a warm, summer day: Share a favorite smoothie recipe below! This post was originally published on Grady's GreenLiving Tips on March 28, 2017.  Read the original post, "A Recipe to Reduce Food Waste," here . Grady's GreenLiving Tips was created in 2014 by Grady Management, Inc.  Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service...

Three Tips Regarding Disposable and One Use Plastics

How to Limit Plastic Waste and Pollution Think about the amount of plastic used every day.  Grabbing a coffee in the morning and using a straw to stir in cream and sugar.  Enjoying an ice cold water after a work out by using a disposable plastic cup.  Grocery shopping and using the plastic grocery bags to carry purchases home.  Many people use at least one plastic item every day.  But, even though many plastics can be recycled, oftentimes plastic products are disposed of improperly and can create devastating repercussions in the environment.  Plastic bags and straws can harm fish and other animals and destroy marine ecosystems. It is easy to limit, and even eliminate, the need to use so many one use plastic products.  Learn how in the latest GreenLiving tips blog: It is first important to identify the type of plastics that can be easily limited during daily routines.  One use plastics are plastic products that are designed to be disposed of after...