
Showing posts from December, 2017

2017 GreenLiving Blog Recap

In just a few days, it will be time to ring in the 2018 year!  The next GreenLiving Tips blog will be posted in January 2018. The Grady's GreenLiving Tips team wanted to provide the links and a short description of our top blog posts from 2017 to provide a review of the past year of green advice and resources: 1. " Five Reminders for a Daily, Green, Checklist ": This blog, posted on October 10, details five easy to accomplish steps to promote GreenLiving every day.  Read the post here . 2. " #Thanksgiving2017 : Five Easy Ways to Have a Green Thanksgiving ": This blog, posted on November 21, reviews green ways to prepare for and enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.  Topics include managing food waste, traveling for the holiday, and hosting people for Thanksgiving.  Read the post here . 3. " Five Tips for a Sustainable Super Bowl Party ": This blog, posted on January 31, describes ways to host a sustainable Super Bowl party.  Read the post here . Remember, in...

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: 2017 Holiday Season Challenge

What Holiday Materials can be Reduced and/ or Reused? Picture this: It is January 1, 2018.  The 2017 Holiday Season is officially over and done.  Gift bags, wrapping paper, and bows and ribbons are spread throughout the house.  Electronics boxes and toy packages is spread haphazardly in the family room.  Holiday decorations are still on display in windows and doorways.  Holiday meal leftovers are shoved in the refrigerator.  If this scene sounds familiar, try to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle this holiday season to better prepare for the 2018 holidays and practice GreenLiving techniques.  Recycle : The end of the holiday season can be a great time to practice some easy recycling techniques.  Separate all of the gift wrapping and packaging components to determine what can be recycled.  Remember, Styrofoam packaging material and shiny or glittery wrapping paper cannot be recycled.  Cardboard boxes should be broken down and recycled. Reuse : Af...

Five Green Gift Shopping and Gift Giving Techniques

GreenLiving Tips for the Holiday Season Planning to give or receive gifts this holiday season?  Remember to practice GreenLiving ideas when shopping for and/ or preparing to give gifts.  Several green gift techniques include: 1) Bring Re-usable Bags : If shopping for presents in department stores and/ or malls, remember to bring re-usable bags or leftover plastic bags instead of receiving a new, wasteful, plastic bag.  Plastic bags can take more than 100 years to decompose in landfills. 2) Save Gas and Shop Online : Want to skip long lines and preserve the environment?  Save on gas and complete holiday shopping online.  If shopping in stores are preferable, try to utilize public transportation, such as a bus or train.  3) Donate Instead : Instead of a traditional gift, donate money in someone's name as their gift for the holidays.  This memorable gift will save time and resources. 4) Consider Several Options : If trying to focus on GreenLiving this hol...

Grady's GreenLiving Tips Reminder

Still looking for more GreenLiving advice and tips? Remember, beginning in 2018, Grady's GreenLiving Tips will change from an every week posting schedule to a twice a month schedule.  All blog readers will still be able to read two GreenLiving posts per month. Grady Management's new blog, Apartment Resident #LifeHacks, will be linked on this blog in late December for all GreenLiving readers to also enjoy. Please let us know if you have any questions by commenting below! Grady's GreenLiving Tips was created in 2014 by Grady Management, Inc.  Grady Management was founded in 1965 and continues to provide a full service residential, commercial, and consulting real estate firm in the greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan area.  Learn more from our  website  or  Facebook  page.