Five Tips for a Sustainable Super Bowl Party
Celebrate the Super Bowl the Green Way Want to host a Super Bowl party this Sunday? Before inviting friends, setting out snacks, and turning on the game- read several tips for how to host a sustainable, green Super Bowl party everyone can enjoy: Send green(er) invites : Still in the process of inviting friends and family over to watch the Super Bowl? This year, try sending invitations via email or even through Facebook event/ message. This will save paper, stamps, and time- all valuable resources. Create a green environment : A great way to promote green initiatives during the Super Bowl is to create a green environment inside the home. Instead of using paper or disposable plates, cups, napkins, etc. for food, use permanent silverware and items that can be washed and used again. Encourage carpooling : Are multiple guests arriving from the same or nearby locations? Encourage your guests to consolidate travel and carpool together to save on gas. If poss...