
Showing posts from September, 2016

These Items Are Not Recyclable (But Are Often Thought To Be)

Beware of Simply Lumping all Paper, Aluminum, or Plastic Products Together Paper and plastic.  Aluminum and tin.  Glass and cardboard.  All of these materials are, primarily, recyclable.  However, restrictions and limitations apply to some materials in the recycling bin that eventually could be rejected by recycling facilities.  Learn more about products that cannot be recycled below: 1) Plastic food wrappers: Any product that has leftover food particles attached can be rejected by recycling plants.  Food, leftover grease, and oil can interrupt the recycling process, so often those handling recycling are trained to treat those items as waste. 2) Aluminum foil: Similar to the scenario above, aluminum foil can often be stained or infused with food residue and thus impossible to recycle.  Think twice and inspect the foil before recycling. 3) Paper plates and paper napkins: Paper plates are fine to recycle as long as they do do not have any food residue. ...

Autumn 2016: Three GreenLiving Tips

Start The Season Off Right- The Green Way! Autumn begins in just two days on Thursday, September 22.  Need a refresher on how to live a green lifestyle in the fall?  Below are several simple greenliving tips for the home perfect for this season: 1) Bring in plants from outdoors: The summer is a great time to plant gardens and keep plants.  When the weather turns colder, however, remember to bring cold intolerant plants inside.  Not only will this save the plant, but the plant will help rid the air inside the home of toxins and bad chemicals. 2) Utilize leafs- leafs are not waste: Don't rake up or sweep away leafs to just toss them aside.  Leafs are perfect fertilizer for plants and flowers and also provide great lining for compost bins.  One thing you can't use leafs for, though, is for bonfires.  Burning leaves result in harmful toxins or allergens, such a pollen, releasing into the air. 3) Continue some green summer practices that can adapt to the ne...

Five Green Resources for Apartment Renters

Expert GreenLiving Advice Knowing where to find greenliving and eco-friendly advice and information is often at the cornerstone of a green lifestyle. Grady Management compiled several pertinent links to guides and online articles that highlight some practical and helpful green advice for apartment renters: 1) " Top 10 Tips for Renters " by Energy Star: this comprehensive guide covers ways to save energy, and money, during all seasons. 2) " 5 Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill " by ApartmentGuide Blog: this post specifically details methods and examples of how an apartment renter can decrease the monthly electric bill. 3) " 9 Ways to Save on Your Utility Bill " by US News and World Report: this article also details ways to reduce the regular electricity/ utility bill by making small modifications to your home. 4) " 10 Tips to Save Energy and Cut Your Utility Bills " by 10 simple and replicable tips are examined in this post about saving e...

Second Anniversary of Grady's GreenLiving Tips

Green News and Tips Posted Weekly On Friday, September 2, Grady's GreenLiving Tips blog celebrated an anniversary.  This blog was created two years ago as a platform to share greenliving information and help others learn about Grady Management's commitment to green initiatives. Looking back throughout the past two years, here are the top five posts that are featured on the GreenLiving blog: 1. "Spring is in the Air: Green Resources"- This post was published on February 24, 2014 and details many resources you can use any time of the year that makes it very easy to "go green."  Remind yourself of the resources by reading the  post  again!  This is our most popular post with more than 100 total views. 2. "Green Tips For A Clean Car"- Published on March 10, 2014 this post describes natural, chemical free, car cleaners to give your vehicle a great shine!  Read it again  here . 3."Get Ahead on Your Spring Cleaning- The Eco-Friendly Way"- Who do...