
Showing posts from December, 2015

A Look Ahead: Green Traditions in 2016

Eco-Friendly Holidays in the New Year The new year might be the time to commit to living a more green and eco-friendly life.  Remember to keep this upcoming eco-friendly holidays in mine to raise awareness for different obstacles facing the environment: 1) World Water Day : Did you know that one in four people on the planet do not have access to clean water?  This holiday focuses on one of our most precious resources; water, and is celebrated around the globe.  World Water Day is held on March 22.  View the website here . 2) Earth Day : This past year, several Grady GreenLiving blogs were dedicated to Earth Day, an annual holiday held to promote environmental sustainability for the planet.  Read more on the official website .  Earth Day is April 22, 2016. 3) World Ocean Day : This global holiday celebrates ocean preservation.  Learn more about this holiday, celebrated June 8, here . 4) World Carefree Day : Do you drive to work?  On September 22, t...

Creating a "Green" Holiday Tree

Eco-Friendly Alternatives For Your Holiday Tree This is the season to decorate a holiday tree and bring some festive cheer into your home.  Decorating can be both fun and eco-friendly, just remember the following tips and tricks to prepare any home for this holiday season: 1) Artificial vs. Real : When purchasing a holiday tree it is important to know that artificial trees are actually very dangerous for the environment.  Artificial trees are often made from a type of plastic.  Oftentimes, artificial trees are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other chemicals, and as such are non-recyclable and eventually just become cumbersome waste.  Real trees produce oxygen and rid toxins from the air.  Another option would be an organic tree. 2) Alternative Trees : This year, alternative holiday trees are all the rage.  People can make trees of recyclable materials or even supplies found around the house.  Try a tree made out of coffee filters, shredded...

A Green Holiday Season

Preparing for The Holidays In An Eco-Friendly Way Have you done all of your holiday shopping? If so, it's time to think about gift wrapping and preparing for those packages to be delivered.  This year, consider this fact:  In the US, the annual trash from gift wrap and shopping bags totals over 4 million tons. To put that into perspective, a full-size elephant averages around three tons. Here are some green tips to keep in mind before you give your friends and family their gifts: 1. Use environmentally friendly wrapping paper Choose wrapping paper made using fibers such as hemp, or paper using recycled content. 2. Avoid buying glossy foil or metallic wrapping paper  You can do a beautifully wrapping job for your gifts without having to use metallic wrapping paper. This kind of 'paper' is difficult to recycle and it has no value for use as mulch since there are heavy metals used in the foil paper. Foil gift wrap is also harder to reuse, since it wrinkles and creases easily...

Recap: Managing Waste

The Damaging Effects of Waste Last year, our blog presented some facts and figures about waste.  When you discard garbage or recycling improperly, such as littering outside or simply tossing a plastic bottle into a trash can, do you consider what happens to the remains of that product? Waste that is not discarded properly will eventually seep into the environment.  This is the time of year for holiday parties and family gatherings. When cleaning up, it might seem easier to just discard all the trash and not sort out the recyclables or potentially harmful garbage.  However, when committing to a green lifestyle, it is important to take every opportunity you can to promote sustainability. Recycling whenever possible, not just when convenient, and prompting others to do the same can protect natural resources. Consider these figures: Did you know that many items that CAN be recycled make the the top 10 list of items most likely to be thrown in the regular trash or even just di...

A Green #GivingTuesday

A Global Day of Giving Can Encompass an Eco-Friendly Spin Are you planning on participating in #GivingTuesday today?  In its fourth year, this global day of giving celebrates a time of year to give back.  Instead of buying presents and gifts for the holidays like on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, participants instead donate to a cause or charity organization. If you are planning to participate in #GivingTuesday and live a green life, try donating to some green organizations!  Here are just a few: 1) National Geographic Society : Created in 1888, the National Geographic Society "is one of the largest nonprofit scientific and educational institutions in the world. Its interests include geography, archaeology and natural science, and the promotion of environmental and historical conservation," according to the official website .  There are many ways to get involved, whether by donating or signing up for the online newsletter. 2) Wildlife Conservation Society : Stylized a...